Outreach – Bathokwa

Outreach and care

WHPS Outreach – Bathokwa

WHPS is proud to be involved in many different projects at Bathokwa Primary School. Our boys have interactive days where we spend valuable time together, learning and sharing experiences.

Whenever we visit this special school in Saulsville, we are blown away by the attitude of the pupils and the dedication of the staff who teach and learn, even with a teacher/pupil ratio of one to forty eight.

WHPS supports literacy at Bathokwa through our bi-annual Readathon. Through this we are able to donate on average about 600 books every two years.

Bathokwa is continually striving to improve, and parents and the wider community are being encouraged to be more involved in the school.


There is no limit to what can be accomplished if it doesn’t matter who gets the credit

Ralph Waldo Emerson