Environmental Education at WHPS

Environmental Education at WHPS

Environmental education connects us to the world around us, teaching us about both natural and built environments.  It raises awareness of issues impacting the environment upon which we all depend, as well as actions we can take to improve and sustain it.

Whether we bring nature into the classroom, take boys outside to learn, or find impromptu teachable moments on a nature walk with our classes, Environmental education has many benefits for youth, educators, schools, and communities.

WHPS is committed to providing children with environmental education that helps them become the educated thought leaders of tomorrow. It also means supporting teachers and caregivers as they engage their children in outdoor studies and environmental issues.

The Eco-Schools programme is an international programme of the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) that was developed to support environmental learning in the classroom. The programme is active in 64 countries around the world and has been implemented in South Africa since 2003 by WESSA. The programme is aimed at creating awareness and action around environmental sustainability in schools and their surrounding communities as well as supporting Education for Sustainable Development in the national curriculum.

Learning among young boys requires active involvement — hands-on manipulation, sensory engagement, and self-initiated explorations. WHPS can feel justifiably proud of our well-deserved SILVER DECADE award for our ECO Portfolios.

This is an extract from our report from WESSA

Dear Waterkloof House Prep

Wow! What an innovative portfolio you submitted. The only portfolio on a YouTube page. You are certainly ahead of the pack! We appreciate your eco-efforts, particularly in these tumultuous times we currently find ourselves in. Not only have you managed to continue and maintain previous projects, you also introduced new projects which relates to the times we are in.

You are truly champions. You have been awarded with a well-deserved – Silver Decade Award – Congratulations!

Some of the Environmental Education opportunities at WHPS have included:
  • Outdoor Classroom Day where the entire school used nature to enhance their content material.
  • Anti-plastic campaign where the Grade 3 boys made eco-bricks from 2 litre bottles. An assembly dedicated to the destruction caused by plastic was presented by our Headmaster.
  • Recycling paper remains an ongoing programme.
  • Water wise awareness campaign to encourage the boys to use water resources carefully.
  • Curriculum content to name but a few: Birds; Endangered species; Traditional Healing Plants; Biomes; Penguins; Cats and mice; Pond life; Cheetahs.
Our mission at WHPS is to:
  • Develop imagination and enthusiasm.
  • Enable boys to transcend the classroom and make connection and apply their learning to the real world.
  • Encourage critical and creative thinking skills.
  • Promote tolerance of different points of view and different cultures.
  • Remind boys of their role in taking responsibility for the wellbeing of the planet.
  • Promote a sense of place and connection through community involvement.
  • Promote active learning, citizenship, and student leadership.

I thank all the staff and children for their work in this area, but particularly Mrs Angela Colyvas, Mrs Kerry Shaw, Mr Rob Watson and Mr Jan Bogopa. We appreciate the work done by the WHPS eco-warriors.

If you would like your son to enjoy the opportunities that WHPS has to offer, please make contact with us and submit your application. Please click here to navigate to our Admissions page where you will find more information and can apply online.

Brigitte Theunissen / Deputy Head Academics