Grade 7 Science

Grade 7 Science

Grade 7 Science: The Grade Seven boys have been learning about the classification of animals, in Natural Science. During this topic, they are introduced to the fascinating world of animal adaptations. The squid is a marvelous example of how an  animal adapted to its environment to ensure survival of the species. During our Science lesson on Tuesday, our boys had the opportunity to investigate this fascinating creature, through a group dissection.

There was great excitement as they entered the lab and were allocated their dissection stations. Once given their squids, they got to work with their forceps, fingers, pairs of scissors and microscopes. Apart from the occasional squeamish groan, the boys participated with enthusiasm and awe. They learnt an enormous amount and in accordance with our 10th habit of mind: They ‘gathered data through all their senses’!  As well as this, a deeper understanding and appreciation of the natural world was forged. Well done, Boys!

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Kerry Shaw / Mathematics & Science Teacher