WHPS Grade 7 Leadership Camp
WHPS Grade 7 Leadership Camp – It was with great excitement that the Grade 7 boys set off to the Vaal River for their Leadership Camp. After having to postpone the trip three times since the beginning of the year, there was a collective sigh of relief from boys and teachers alike when the bus left school.
After a short trip in the bus, we arrived at Hadeda Creek. However, our plans of spending the rest of the day on the river were quickly dashed as we were informed that that the river was too high. This meant that 1 or 2 of the rapids were bigger than normal and our usual 13 km trip had to be cut short.
After a thorough safety briefing, the boys were kitted out with their lifejackets and helmets. Once they had picked out a partner and picked a boat, the mighty journey began. As always, navigation proved to be problematic as majority of the boats sailed in circles with each passenger blaming the other. Once the boys had worked things out and we had extricated some boats from the weeds, it was time to take on the rapids. This provided much entertainment as the boys experimented with various ways of tackling the rapids. Some tried it backwards, some sideways and some were still going in circles. The boys showed true reliance and made the most of the morning negotiating the various rapids.
A delicious lunch was served back at camp which saw the boys going back for seconds despite the fact that they had devoured 3 kgs of snacks on the bus trip earlier that morning. After lunch, the boys were given a second go at the paddling and were transported back to the same starting point. Using the morning run as practice, the boys were a lot more accomplished when it came to rowing. However, there were still some boys that got stuck on every rock and paddled in circles. However, we managed to complete the trip a lot quicker than the first time. That evening, the boys performed on stage and took part in a minute-to-win-it competition, before retiring for some much needed rest.
As day 2 dawned, the excited voices of the boys carried across the river and some muffled groans could be heard coming from the teacher’s tents. After breakfast, the boys were given the opportunity to test their courage on the high-wire apparatus and rock climbing wall. If they weren’t busy with those activities, they had to complete an obstacle course that had the boys climbing over and under objects as well slithering through very slimy mud. The boys acquitted themselves well on the courses and were impressive with their support of each other.
It was after lunch that all the excitement came to an end and they jumped on the bus to travel home. A big thanks must go to Mr Whitelaw, Mrs Urmann-Smith, Mr Sweetlove, Mr Wood and Mr Page who gave up their free time to accompany the boys. The boys who can be proud of the way they carried themselves throughout the Leadership Camp and have shown that they all have the ability to be fine ambassadors of their school.
If you would like your son to enjoy the opportunities that WHPS has to offer, please make contact with us and submit your application. Please click here to navigate to our Admissions page where you will find more information and can apply online.
Sean Page / Senior Prep HOD